Hey guys! Today I'm gonna talk about Wano Arc. Oda has revealed the official date for this Arc.

Wano Arc is probably the most awaited arc in One Piece history. Ever since before the Timeskip, when we were at thriller bark, we have been reminded that wano is a wonderful place and this place will have the most badass warriors and that most epic One Piece arc. Ryuma himself was a legend and the world's greatest swordsman before hawkeyes Mihawk. Kaido, another legend who has control over the land of wano right now, is immortal. Luffy will go up against a total monster at Wano and Oda has promised to us that this arc will be epic.
Sugita, an editor of Oda, told us that after Marineford, this arc will be the best ever, and he had read a lot of stuff from Oda's archives about what's happening, and what is to come at wano country. Oda himself recently said that wano will be his biggest ever challenge. He said that war at wano country will be so huge that even the greatest arc in one piece that is marineford will look "cute" compared to it. That's something huge really.
Of course, we know that wano's war will be so huge, and it will be even more intense for two reasons.
First, it will literally be the biggest war that will have happened until this point in the world of One Piece.
Second, because Luffy will be the center of all action, unlike Marineford.
Now, if you think that Wano will be just like every other arc, you're wrong. Some weeks ago Oda himself revealed what he planned for Wano country arc.
He said that he is extremely excited for the arc of wano, and that he is looking forward to drawing a lot of battles from this arc.

But, here's the most interesting part. Oda said that he wants wano to make One Piece look more like a pirate manga. He said that he wants to include a lot of naval battles. We haven't seen a lot of them in one piece. But, wano will see to it that we get our share of Naval battles, Kaido might intervene the Strawhats at sea and that's where we will get an all out sea battle. I'm pretty excited to see how this fight pans out.
We've never seen a great battle over the sea in One Piece, and this is because most people in One Piece world are Devil Fruit users. So having them fight over the sea is pointless. How could one be weakened by water, but at the same time, have an incredible showdown at sea? I don't know. I guess only Oda knows the answer to this one. But I'm sure as he excited to see this major naval battle that Oda has teased.
See you guys in my next post.
If you want anything to be discussed, mail me at onepiecefanpage111@gmail.com
If you are a fan of One Piece manga, you can buy it by clicking the following titles. One Piece box set:East Blue and Baroque Works, Volumes 1-23 ,
One Piece box set 2: Skypiea and Water Seven, Volumes 24-46 , One Piece box set 3: Thriller Bark to New World, Volumes 47-70
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