Hey guys, today I'm gonna talk about the fight between Luffy and Chalotte Katakuri

Katakuri is the man who is known to be the strongest commander ever is described just as a perfect man who is always gallant, calm-headed, very powerful such that he looks down on the ground itself. He is just described just as a perfect man and a man who has the greatest fruit Charlotte has ever produced. Katakuri, as we know also has the ability to see slightly into the future and his devil fruit has already been awakened.
As katakuri has awakened devil fruit power and could see slightly into the future, one can predict that Luffy would not a chance against him. At the first phase of the battle, Katakuri could know all the moments of Luffy and acted accordingly. Then he started to use his awakened powers to attack him.

Katakuri had such an incredible ability that even Luffy's gear fourth Boundman stood nowhere near him. Katakuri just easily covered Luffy with mirror mochi, making him unable to move in his current form. Hence Luffy had to retreat from his gear fourth form to his original form.
The fact about Katakuri's ability to see the future is that it works as long as he stays calm.
If he doesn't get calm, he cannot see the future and dodge, another fact is that as long as he sees the future,he changes his body shape to avoid any hit's.
These were the reasons that Luffy couldn't even touch Katakuri while he was calm.
Luffy escaped with Brulee out of the mirror world when his Gear fourth time limit ended.
During the 10 minutes break for his haki, Luffy thought of his past during his training where Rayleigh gave him a suggestion.

Luffy has thought of surpassing him, as you can see he decided to obtain the same ability as Kataluri (looking slightly into the future).
When Luffy regained his haki and returned to the mirror world, he constantly tried to look into the future and was finally successful in the ability. Meantime he also learned the presence of another level of Armament Haki.

Now Luffy has got a powerup of one of Katakuri's ability, but this ability was not his trump card. Due to the amount of damage he took previously from Katakuri, he could not dodge all of Katakuri's attacks constantly.
Also, Luffy didn't have the time to fight in his own time as he had to reach the rendezvous point that he had promised to his crew.
Then was the time where he used gear fourth Snakeman.

Luffy's gear four Snake man is similar to that of an attack called python from gear fourth boundman. , Luffy does not significantly expand, with his forearms and legs being only slightly enlarged and the rest of his body retaining its normal proportions. The spread of Haki is slightly more limited, as it does not appear to extend onto Luffy's shoulders and upper body. However, due to his body's lack of inflation, he would receive the impact like he normally would. Though Luffy could defeat katakuri in his snakeman form by changing directions of his attack.

Due to Luffy's efforts, he was finally able to knockout Katakuri. His final attack was the king cobra. Katakuri took years of training to develop his observation haki to look slightly into the future, but Luffy obtained this ability in a single fight, a day. This is the skill of the future Pirate King. I'm sure luffy is a way more stronger than before, but he is still way more weaker when compared to Kaido.

See you guys in my next post. If you want anything to be discussed, mail me at onepiecefanpage111@gmail.com
If you are a fan of One Piece manga, you can buy it by clicking the following titles. One Piece box set:East Blue and Baroque Works, Volumes 1-23 ,
One Piece box set 2: Skypiea and Water Seven, Volumes 24-46 , One Piece box set 3: Thriller Bark to New World, Volumes 47-70